I've been following A Bowl Full of Lemons the past few days as she's ventured on a 21 day challenge for organizing everything, and I mean everything, in her house. However, I found her the week before I'm supposed to move...or my goal to get organized has taken a back seat for the next few weeks (I'll be out of town almost 3 weeks straight once I get moved).
The good thing, though, is that I can start right! Following her 21 day challenge, and reading/seeing what others did, gave me a lot of ideas to get the new place (especially the office space) off to a great start.
And now, she's got new stuff going on...that will have to wait for a few weeks, but I do plan on participating in! Weekly challenges (read about them here). Looks like she's got a few great ideas coming up (especially can't wait for the recipe binder and meal planning) and I'm going to do my best to join as many as possible!
Anyway...just wanted to update on what's in store the next few weeks. Can't wait!!!
what a perfect time to join in on the challenges! good luck moving!!