Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Monday

A few exciting things going on in the S&S house this weekend and this coming week.

First, and most exciting, Mr S now has weekends off!  HOORAY!!!!  It's been a little hard the last year to plan to do stuff together when he has Tues & Weds off and I have weekends.  Now we're able to actually do things on weekends together (with or without friends) and it's so nice!

Saturday Mr S & I ventured to Disneyland!!  We love this has so many amazing memories for us!  He took me there for one of our first dates almost three years ago.  We became an official couple that day and we'll be celebrating three years of togetherness on the 13th of this month!  (sigh)  In Sleeping Beauty's Castle is where the Mr first said those amazing three words to me!  (sigh)  And, the best one of all, on March 15 last year in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle is where the Mr got down on one knee and asked me to spend forever with him!!  (huge sigh followed by big cheesy grin)  In February of 2010, in celebration of our one year together, Mr S purchased annual passes for us and we've had them ever since.  For those of you that live close enough to venture to Disneyland Resort (Disneyland and California Adventure) four or more times a year should really consider investing in them, especially if you go more than four times a year.  By the fourth visit, now that one-day park hopper passes have gone up, they more than pay for themselves!  Mr S has parking on his, so that's $15 less a visit to pay.  And we get a 10% discount on all purchases in the parks and the Downtown Disney stores and restaurants.  Again, something else that is a nice little benefit!

Sunday, as we all know, was Super Bowl Sunday.  We spent the afternoon with the in-laws watching the game and chowing down.  Ok, so that wasn't as exciting an update as I thought it would be.  I am, however, very thrilled that the Giants won.  I am not a fan of Brady (or Manning, for that matter, but he was the lesser of two evils).

In other news and updates, I have maintained my weight from last weekend's weigh in.  Which is really good news since I was not a very good girl when it came to eating right last week.  I did get in two exercise events (Zumba on Monday and stationary bike and elliptical on Wednesday) along with 7 hours of walking around the parks on Saturday.  For those that don't know, I'm doing Weight Watchers.  I went over my points allowance every single day last week.  It was not one of my finer moments.  So on the way home last night, the Mr and I stopped at Target and I snagged some stuff I needed to keep me on track with food this week.  Here's hoping it works! 

I also got my CA State Tax refund, so I finished paying off the 2nd store credit card!!  That gets rid of the lowest balances and highest interest rates.  I'm so excited about this progress!  Mr S and I have locked all of our credit cards away in the safe.  They are only to be used in EXTREME (as in car or medical) emergencies.  The only plastic in our wallets are our bank/debit cards.  When I travel I take one of mine with me in case something happens or I end up somewhere that doesn't take my work card (which is an AMEX), but aside from that, those babies aren't seeing any use!

This week I venture out to Vegas for a conference.  I've been in office the last two weeks, so it'll be nice to get out and interact with people for a change. While I love being an office worker, it gets a little monotonous after a while.  And I'm a travel rep, so it's nice to be able to get out and do what I'm getting paid to do.

Well, that's all I've got to update you on.  Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and a great week!


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