Monday, April 30, 2012

New series coming

For those of you that know me personally, you know that I travel for my job.  For those who have never met me except to read about my life here, I travel for my job!   

I started working with my company in 2003.  At that time there were only 25 employees and, at 24, I was the youngest (a title I retained for almost 3 years and we now have over 300 employees).  When I was hired, I was originally supposed to fill the position of receptionist.  That lasted 2 days.  My soon-to-be boss discovered I had accounting knowledge and pulled me into Business Affairs where I was to spend the next 4 years.  Just after my 4 year anniversary, there was an opening in our Marketing/Outreach department for a travel rep.  After seeking approval from my current boss and discussing the job requirements with the potential new boss, I applied and was accepted.  And I've been doing this for 5 years now.

I tell you all this because I'm going to start a new weekly post:  Tuesday's Traveler.  Tomorrow will, probably, be my first post in the series.  There will be stories, tips, and anything else I can think of.  There will be humor, I can promise you that. I have had some great experiences, and some not so great experiences (flight from hell via Chicago my first year traveling...more on that later). And, if I can take any that would apply to the topic or I want to build a topic around (like the travelers wardrobe or hotel views), there will be pictures.

I've been wanting to share some of my travel stories here, and I'm just now getting around to it.  Hopefully I can remember all that I want to say. If there is a traveling topic you'd like for me to cover, please let me know.  Just remember, I've only traveled in the continental US so far.  I can't give you anything about Hawaii, Alaska, or International travel...yet (I'm really hoping to add Hawaii to the list of places traveled by next year).

Stay tuned...

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Nail Files - Week 17

Welcome to this week's episode of...

Let me start by saying, this week didn't go so great for the nails.  Over the weekend I got 5, yes..FIVE, polishes!  That is not normal for me, ever, to buy that many at once.  But I've heard/read so many great things from all the links here that I had to grab a few.  And, well, Sally's was having a buy 2 get 1 free sale so I really only paid for 4 (the other two were bought at CVS).  And, naturally, I had to start off the week with a newbie:  Riveting by China Glaze (from the Hunger Games collection):

*it's also on my toes.

Let me just say, the hubs is not a fan!  "Too Halloween" were his words.  But, to his delight, the orange didn't stick around on the fingers very long (due to some bubbling of the top coat and my picking at the color).  But it's still on the toes.

Yesterday, in a fit of boredom, I decided to change things up a bit.  Hubs and friends are playing in a volleyball tourney this weekend in..VEGAS!  And their team name is Smart Aces.  Of course, I needed to play that out on my nails:

*please excuse the mess...this was pre-clean mode.

Well, I wasn't impressed enough to let them hang around.  I need more practice before I take these babies in public. (I did, however, get props from the hubs for a steady hand)

So I opted for Sally Hanson Complete Salon in All Fired Up with a topping of Essie Luxeffects in As Gold As It Gets:

And, still sticking with my Essie base and top coats, all colors have been lasting longer on my nails then usual.  Once again, I say to all the experts, you were right!!  :)


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursdays Through The Lense

I would say "Back by popular demand", but no one seems to have missed these.  Oh well!  I'm going to start back up anyway. 

For those that care, I am still doing the photo a month (via this blog).  However, I'm limiting my photos to the iPhone and Instagram (follow me there at Ringsgal).

For these, and all future posts, I make every effort to post a picture taken with my "real" camera:  my lovely Canon Rebel T3i.  And I might even do a few topics for those times I have more than one I want to share.

This week's topic:  Celebrities

Snow White and the Huntsman Director Rupert Sanders, Charlize Theron, & Kristen Stewart

The lovely, and wonderfully personable, Charlize Theron 

 Alexander Skarsgard, Brooklyn Decker, Battleship Director Peter Berg

Alexander Skarsgard (one of the rare occasions he was looking up)

Brooklyn Decker (talking about her role in Battleship)

All of the above were taken at WonderCon in Anaheim in March. (the close ups were pictures I took off the big screen set up for people too far back to see anything)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So What Wednesday

Hey, y'all!  It's that time of the week again.  And let me tell ya, I am so very happy that it is Wednesday already!  Just two more sleeps, a few hours, then the hubs and I (and about 8 others) are off to Vegas for the weekend!

But back to the real reason for this post: 

This week, I'm saying So What If:

* I still haven't fully unpacked from last week's trip.  I'm just going to have to pack it all again for next I might as well save a few steps, right?  I am washing the dirty stuff, though!

* I moved all the clutter from the dining room to the spare room/office when we had company over for dinner two weeks ago...and it's still cluttering up the guest bed.  Once again, it's a good thing we don't have overnight guests very often!

* I really want this little blog-o-mine to grow, but I'm not really sure what direction to take it.  And I'm not really sure I have the time to commit to it either.  I mean, I am traveling for work every other week and I'm taking a class every month (which we all know, from previous posts, I'm not good at keeping up with that either).  So if you have suggestions, please feel free to comment.

* It takes me a good hour or two before I'm really able to concentrate on work.  Of course it doesn't help that working from home allows me the luxury of sleeping till about a half hour before I start my day.

* I have yet to order any of my wedding pictures!  The ones I want the way I want are EXPENSIVE!  And, living in an apartment, I'm not really sure where I want to put them yet.  I have a few ideas, but I'm still working it all out in my head.  I did, however, order another photo book for my mom!  And I have the rights to do what I want with them (hence the posting on Facebook).  I'll get a few on here, eventually.

* If we'll be sharing a room with other people and I fly out at 6:30 am Monday from Vegas.  I'm still very much looking forward to the weekend there with our friends.

* If most of the people going to Vegas, hubs included, will be playing in a volleyball tourney.  I'm still planning to have a great time!  Hopefully the hubs won't be too worn out each night and we can catch a show or something!

* I need to stop now and get back to work. 



Friday, April 20, 2012

Nail Files - Week 16

If you haven't already joined in, you should!  I've gotten a lot of great color ideas (and some tips to make that color last longer) from some of the folks that link in.  So, again, I'm joining this week with the ladies over at:

The Nail Files

This week I didn't do as planned - my new Maven color, Jennifer, for my work trip.  I actually started the week with black nails left over from the weekend (sorry, no pic).  But on Tuesday, I did change them out (yes, I now take my nail color supplies on the road with me).

Here's Jennifer:

Unfortunately, hotel lighting isn't the greatest.  And to be honest, it looks like just have a coat of clear over my nails.  Jennifer is a very pale pink with barely any color once on the nail.  But it's there, I promise!

I'm home all next week so I think I might go crazy on the color again.  And, since I'm going to be in the main office the following week, I can do the same.  I prefer to keep the colors a little more low-key when when I'm on the road representing.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So What Wednesday

Today, I'm linking up with Shannon over at Life After I Dew for another installment of

This week, I'm saying So What If...

* I am glad this is a short week of travel, even if it means a day in the office on Friday and one less day towards my yearly travel quota that I have to make up someplace down the calendar road.

* Despite, not feeling well this afternoon and staying confined to the hotel, it's been a good morning and a successful trip so far.

* I could watch Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader a million times and never get tired of it!  It was my favorite book of the series!!  (and it's on now)

* It's been over 3 years since I had new glasses...I hate wearing my glasses.

* Despite hating my glasses, I find I wear them more than my contacts lately.

* (on the same topic) I do need to make an eye appointment.  I hate getting my eyes dilated (I mean, who doesn't) and shopping for new glasses.  But it must be done.  Maybe Monday after my lady dr appointment.

What are you saying "So What" to this week?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Nail Files - Week 15

It's time to link up again:

The Nail Files

This week I got my first Julep Maven Box!  So excited for the lovely colors (Charlotte and Jennifer) that are perfect for spring time.

Jennifer was a little pale for me for this week, so I went with Charlotte.  Since I'm traveling again next week I'll put on Jennifer when I change out my nail color on Sunday.

This is the color I should have done for Easter, especially since my dress was purple!

And for those that have always wondered (all none of you, I'm sure), this is what Goof Off does to your nail...with out any effort at all!

And here is my left & right hand this morning (previous pictures were from Tues & Weds)

There's only been a bit of chippage on two nails on my left hand and on one on the right (index finger is also a victim of Goof Off) despite me being right handed.

Thanks for bearing with...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So What Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Shannon for another installment of

Today, I'm saying So What If...
* I'm really kind of over this whole school thing!  Once again, I'm a day late on my assignments (which doesn't seem to be costing me 10 points per day like it's supposed to).  But for every day I'm late with Unit 4 that's less time to put to Unit 5.  And I have a paper due in 4 weeks.  But for the life of me I just can't seem to find my "care" button.
* I've basically given up on the attempted weekly plan.  It's kind of pointless when I'm gone for a week at a time every other week and I know Mr S isn't going to do some of the things on the cleaning list while I'm gone.  So I just wing it when I'm home, again.
* I still haven't fully unpacked from being gone last week.  What's the point?  Most of what I packed is getting packed again this weekend for my trip on Monday.  I took out what I needed to wash...the rest just saves me some time.
* I sometimes don't like using my new camera (Canon Rebel T3i) because it's so bulky and heavy.  But I still want the zoom lens to go with it for those super-close shots!  (and I do have a really nice camera bag that helps with toting it around when I do take it)
* The only domesticated things I did last night were unload the dishwasher and two loads of laundry (which, if you know me, is a miracle of itself).  I did make dinner, but it was an easy meal-in-a-bag thing that didn't require any thought, prep, or huge amount time.  Maybe tonight....(see first bullet point)
* My current gaming obsession is Dragonvale on the iPad.  It was free and the dragon's are so cute when they first hatch!  Yes, I am that girl.
And that's what I'm saying So What to this week.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nail Files - Week 14

This is 4 days late, but I still wanted to do this.  So here is last week's installment of

The Nail Files

Linking up with Tara over at Fabulous but Evil.

Those of you who know me know my struggle with keeping a mani longer than 24 hours.  That's why I don't pay for them (unless it's gel polish).  It's also why I don't usually have color on.  But last week I decided to try something new...actually using a bottom AND a top coat (usually only did a bottom to keep my nails from getting stained).  Well, here are the results from a pain job I did on Monday the 2nd:

Essie "Grow Stronger" for my base
Sinful Colors: Mint Apple is the bottom color (1 coat)
OPI:  Sea You Later, Sailor is a shimmer top color (1 coat)
Essie "No Chips Ahead" for my top coat

This is what they looked like on Thursday afternoon!

Just one chip where I broke the nail hauling luggage.  I was very excited about how long it lasted.  And it was a great color for spring.  Maybe not so much as a professional color, though.

Thursday I tried the process again, but with Essie "Devi's Advocate" for the color (2 coats):

This is what they looked like an hour ago!

I hate to admit defeat, but all of you preaching bottom & top coats were right!  The color lasts longer with both, even if it takes a little longer to dry.  It's all worth it in the end.

So I'm in process of changing out my color again...I got my Julep Maven box in the mail yesterday with two new colors:  Charlotte (which is what I'll be posting on Friday) and Jennifer.

Until Friday...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So What Wednesday

Today, again, I'm linking up with Shannon for...

So What If...

* once again, I should be doing school work instead of "playing".

* once again, I'm a day late getting my assignments in.

* I despise margarita's what's in the glass that counts, right?

* I look like a hot mess unloading my rental and hauling my crap to my room each night this week.  No really...two suitcases of varying sizes, a backpack, my camera bag (because I thought I might actually get some pictures this week...HA!), my purse, a bag of snacks, and my info bag (black satchel that carries all my materials for visits).  One Hot Mess coming right up!! 

* all I really want to do is crawl in that bed on the other side of this hotel room and sleep till I wake up.

* if my nails aren't exactly a professional color right now (think pale minty-greenish-glittery).  They are, however, not chipped since I put the color on Monday morning (that is an accomplishment for me).

* if I really am loving the new iPad Mr S bestowed upon me last week as an early birthday gift (my birthday is in May) despite my protesting that I didn't need one because I still had my old one (first gen).  I got a great new cover for it and an anti-glare screen protector.  LOVIN' IT!! 

* I'm planning to wear my Easter dress from EONS ago on Sunday.  No, really, I'm talking pre-move to Cali is when this dress dates back to (S, M, E, & B...think days of Brawny & Juan).  But it still fits in all the right places, isn't faded (because I don't do the dress thing very often...if ever), and, most importantly, it's COMFY!

And that's all I've got this week.

