But back to the real reason for this post:
This week, I'm saying So What If:
* I still haven't fully unpacked from last week's trip. I'm just going to have to pack it all again for next week...so I might as well save a few steps, right? I am washing the dirty stuff, though!
* I moved all the clutter from the dining room to the spare room/office when we had company over for dinner two weeks ago...and it's still cluttering up the guest bed. Once again, it's a good thing we don't have overnight guests very often!
* I really want this little blog-o-mine to grow, but I'm not really sure what direction to take it. And I'm not really sure I have the time to commit to it either. I mean, I am traveling for work every other week and I'm taking a class every month (which we all know, from previous posts, I'm not good at keeping up with that either). So if you have suggestions, please feel free to comment.
* It takes me a good hour or two before I'm really able to concentrate on work. Of course it doesn't help that working from home allows me the luxury of sleeping till about a half hour before I start my day.
* I have yet to order any of my wedding pictures! The ones I want the way I want are EXPENSIVE! And, living in an apartment, I'm not really sure where I want to put them yet. I have a few ideas, but I'm still working it all out in my head. I did, however, order another photo book for my mom! And I have the rights to do what I want with them (hence the posting on Facebook). I'll get a few on here, eventually.
* If we'll be sharing a room with other people and I fly out at 6:30 am Monday from Vegas. I'm still very much looking forward to the weekend there with our friends.
* If most of the people going to Vegas, hubs included, will be playing in a volleyball tourney. I'm still planning to have a great time! Hopefully the hubs won't be too worn out each night and we can catch a show or something!
* I need to stop now and get back to work.
I know what you mean about growing your blog! It can be so time-consuming. Which is problematic when you've already got a full schedule! I am finding it pretty hard to do. But I think you've got a super cute blog and I hope you stick with it!