Anyway, to get back in the swing of things, I'm linking up with Shannon again for another installment of
This week, I'm saying So What If:
* I am, as usual, not unpacked from last week yet. That's my plan for today. I've GOT to do laundry because the Mr & I are headed out of town Friday!
* I am actually a little excited about my new class I started today. I'm sure the reading will be boring, but I'm looking at it as one more step towards that elusive Bachelor's Degree.
* I failed my last class...with a big Fat F!!! I have to retake it (that makes three to retake now...the other two hold a W). I have no excuse...I just didn't do the work.
* It's less than week till my birthday and I'm just not that into it. The only exciting thing will be the 4-day weekend (two of which will be spent driving) in Arizona with my parents.
* We haven't been to DL since March. It's been a little busy and money's been a little tight. *but seriously, I think I'm starting to go through withdrawals*
* I still have craft stuff for about 3-4 different projects and I haven't touched them since I bought the stuff!
And that's all I've got. What are you saying "So What" to this week?
I didn't really get into my birthday this year either, that's totally NOT me...hmm...maybe next year?