Friday, February 8, 2013

The Nail Files - Upside Down French

First off, I got my Julep Box a couple weeks ago! I completely forgot about accepting my box in the allotted time in January and was automatically shipped my standard "Classic with A Twist" colors. But I don't mind - they are quite lovely:
Meet Helen and Claudette!

I've been wanting to try, again, the reverse French Mani (or half moon mani), so I figured these two lovelies would make a great pairing. I wasn't wrong!
I'm not sure why I did two "accent" nails and not all of them in the half moon. Maybe because I truly didn't feel like it once I did the two. It did, however, turn out A LOT better than my last attempt at a half moon mani, so I was happy with that!

Oh, and if you're wondering, here's the rest of what was in my box:
 Again - Love the little quote card in each box!

 An eyelash curler...that I've tried a couple times. Eh! I'm not a big fan of curling my eyelashes, but I did notice a difference in the length appearance after curling them.

 This is SUPPOSED to make your polish last longer...kind of a gel effect without actually being gel. I call shenanigans!! It didn't do the job for me, at least. Hopefully someone else had better luck than me!

 If I remember correctly, it's a "healer" for nails that are brittle and crack/peel easily. Not to be used with polish, this is a loner product. I will be testing it this coming week while I'm on the road for work.

And some chocolates in honor of Valentine's Day.

There was a mystery box posted the first of the week. I went ahead and snagged one and it should be here today or tomorrow. I hope it's good stuff!

As always, I'm linking with the lovely Tara and Vicki for:

Happy Friday!!


  1. Hi Steph, just browsing through the Nail Files link up. I got the same Julep Maven Box and I'm wearing "Claudette" today and I must say, I've really fallen in love with it. The first time I tried the Polymer Top Coat I wasn't too impressed but the second time (now) it seemed to work it's magic. The gloss is beautiful.

    Happy Friday,

    Kali Now Living

  2. Love those colors together! I need to try Julep polish sometime.

  3. Those colors compliment each other very well!

    Stopping by from the linkup!

  4. I haven't tried the eyelash curler yet, it scared me a bit for some reason:-) Your half moon mani turned out lovely!

  5. I have Claudette on my toes right now! Your mani is so cute. I loved Freedom. It dried really fast and was so shiny. It also kept me chip free a little longer than usual.

    Stopping by from the linkup :)

  6. I got the same box and love it! I was going to pair Helen and Claudette together too :)

  7. so pretty! i got the same box! :)

  8. I love how you didn't do the whole mani in the reverse French. It looks very nice!
