Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Weekly Weigh In - a day late

So yesterday's weigh in was a little rough.


I gained almost a pound and a half! Not happy!

But, on the flip side, I was kind of expecting it. My work out plans didn't happen. And I had two days where I was just so hungry that I really didn't care about points...I just ate. Even on those days, as I was eating, I could hear this voice in my head trying to warn me. I just refused to listen. So I paid the consequences with gaining a pound.

Even writing this I'm annoyed with myself. I've come a long way. 15 pounds may not seem like much to some of you. But for me, it's quite a bit. The most I've EVER lost was 20 and that was about 6 years ago. And last time I did weight watchers, I hoverd at the 10 pound mark before gaining back 5 and hovering again before stopping and gaining it back, plus some more. So 15 pounds is a big deal for me!

This week I'm out of town. Thankfully my hotel has a mini-fridge and a microwave. I can buy fruit and yogurt for snacks and some WW brand microwave meals for lunches. That way dinner can be my bigger meal, if needed. There is also a fitness center: Treadmill, eliptical, stationary bike, and bench for sit ups. It's not much, but it's more than some places have. I actually made use of it last night for about 20 minutes. It was actually kind of nice. Now if I can just carry that feeling with me when I head back home and use the center at the apartment complex!

So my goals for this week are the usual:
1.  Healthy choices for food while I'm out of town
2.  Activity points

Since I'm not at home on my computer, I have no nifty little encouragement picture for you. However, last night was the season finale of The Biggest Loser. While I'm not an avid watcher of the show, one contenstant caught my eye and I was cheering her on for the times I did watch: Danni Allen. Size wise, I kind of feel like I could relate to her. She went in weighing a little more than I did when I started this journey. And she reminds me a bit of me in build and coloring. Well, I'm happy to say, for those who don't watch or don't know, Danni won last night!!

*I am not endorsing the methods or views of the show. I realize that this an EXTREME case of weight loss because they are around doctors, nutritionists, and trainers the whole time they are at the ranch. This is not a realistic setting for everyone/anyone looking to lose weight.

* I am not looking to lose as much weight as she did either.

Proud of her!! And pround of the rest of the contestants who worked their butts off (literally) for the show!

And I'm pround of the rest of us who fight this fight on a daily basis with no trainer screaming in our ear. We can do this!!


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