Friday, April 19, 2013

Nail Files

I skipped last week since I was in Alabama and didn't really do anything different with my nails. I reverted back to this while there.

However, this week, I tried a color I haven't used yet (that I remember, at least) with one of my new favorite glitters for an accent:

Spoiled: My Silicone Popped and Essie:  Set in Stone for the accent nail.
This picture was taken a couple days ago, two days after doing my nails. So there are a couple chips on the index and middle fingers. It lasted fairly well, considering I'm out of town again this week and tend to be a little rough on my nails in general. I did have to redo the polish on my thumb, index, and middle fingers of BOTH hands last night. But it's all good. They look better not being so chipped.
Once again, I'm linking up with Vicki and Tara for this week's Nail Files. Come join up and share your weekend looks!

Happy Friday, Y'all!!
