Friday, July 6, 2012

Nail Files - Week 27

Linking up again:

The Nail Files

I got my new Maven Box in time for the 4th of July:

Once again, due to lack of enthusiasm for my box colors, I deviated to another:  Bombshell.  It cam with Atomic Fire Ball Candies! The bonus color was a red/white/blue glitter polish and there was also a plum colored lip gloss (far left and is lighter on the lips than in the bottle). I decided to get festive for the holiday.

Personally, I think they look like a hot mess (aside from the fact that I took these pictures before finishing cleaning the edges). But I got a compliment on them yesterday, so I guess they're not that bad. The colors are Kate (white polish on bottom) and America (glitter polish).

What have you been doing with your nails lately? Come link up with Tara and Vicki and show off those digits. 



  1. I really think I need to get on board with the Maven box! It really seems worth the money! I've been to their salon in Seattle and it's awesome! Oh, and Atomic Fire Balls are my favorite candy! Haha!

    Stopping by from the linkup :)

  2. looks like a pretty good box! i can't wait to get my intro box!

  3. I like them for the holiday but I agree, they might be overwhelming other times. Thankfully we can get away with it for the 4th of July....Thanksgiving might be a little more difficult to explain away ;)

  4. I loved the way the maven boxes were packaged this month, so festive. I liked the America polish, but feel like it needed a little more silver stars. I don't think your nails looked like a "hot mess," but quite pretty.

    1. I agree! I thought more stars, less other bulky glitter.

  5. I loved "America - The Beautiful" from Julep Maven! I don't think they look like a hot mess haha

  6. Thanks for all the kind thoughts on my nails not being a hot mess! LOL! I'm just not used to such busy glitter, so it affected my view. They grew on me as the week wore on. But the glitter was a pain in the bootay to get off!!!
