It is with a sad heart that I must let you all know that you won't see me on here much the rest of this week and some of next week. My brother-in-law passed early Monday morning. It's been crazy getting things together and organized for the funeral services on Tuesday and just being with family and making sure everyone knows and all the little details no one ever tells you about until it's too late.
In the midst of all this, though, I have learned two things:
1. Never, ever, EVER forget to tell those you love that you love them. You just never know... As cliche as it sounds, it is never more true than when you realize you will never see a person again in this lifetime.
2. For the love of those you love, decide now what you want for when the time comes. There is so much involved, things I never knew to think about having to decide on, that it is more than any one person can handle. No matter how old or how young you are, make these decisions. Write them down and put them where you're family will know to look. Even if you're not sure, you can change your mind and refresh your wishes. This time is a hard time. What has made it a little harder, in our case, is not knowing what he wanted. So here's some things to think about:
* cremation vs regular burial
* burial plot - where do you want to be laid to rest
* organ donation
* type of casket
* type of ceremony
* what do you want to be remembered for
* do you want a graveside service after the regular service
* who would you like as pall bearers
* do you want a minster of a certain denomination or just someone to preside over the service and let family/friends speak
So hug those you love a little longer today. Kiss the one you love a little more. Hold that hand, put your arm around someone, and never forget that we are not promised the next breath we breathe.
I love you all...even those I don't know personally. Thank you for being a part of my blog life.
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