Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekly Weigh In - Week 28

I have been doing this for 28 weeks. There have been many ups and downs...sometimes for ups then downs. And when I say ups I mean gains...bad ups, not good ups.

Thankfully, this past week was a down. (Again, for today's blog post, downs are are bad).

This morning's weigh in:  233.9
Difference from last week:  -1.1

I have no idea what worked for me and what didn't. I only logged my food two full days. Mr S and I had a birthday party on Saturday where there was A TON of Philipino food...and I ate quite a bit of it. We were at the in-laws yesterday for BBQ, in honor of Mr S birthday, where, again, I ate a lot of food...especially my father-in-law's potato salad. OH. MY. GOODNESS! Is that stuff ever delish!! (and it's the only potato salad I go back for seconds, thirds, etc., for) And I only worked out one day last week.

So, again, no idea what worked to lose that pound.

But this week will be different. I'm going to track my food. I'm going to try to get in more than one work out this week. And I'm also going to try to mix up my work out. I usually do cardio - Elliptical and stationary bike. I want to get in some strength training, too, and get my flab toned up some.

So here's to all of us on this constant journey to get healthy and lose weight! Keep up the good work, dolls!

And may all your weight loss dreams come true!!


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