Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Last Week's Adventures

This should have been posted yesterday...or even Friday.  I want to try to put more on here than just SWW and TTtL.  I'm just not sure what else to do.  I did come up with an idea:  Monday do a weekend review and tell you what the plans are for the week with a follow up on Friday on what actually got accomplished.  There's always the Mid-Week Mania (as I like to call it) that I was doing on Wednesdays that was, more or less, an update on all things Steph & Mr S & life in general.  But I don't really know who wants what (from my whopping 8 followers).  And some days I barely have time for one post on Wednesdays and Thursdays, let alone two!  Oh, and Foodie Friday was a Flop!  Too much trouble uploading all the pictures...and I didn't cook as much or as often as I wanted.  I may bring it back in a month. For now, I'll just give you an update on what's gone on the last week, or so.

Last week was fairly uneventful.  For those that don't know, I'm a rep for an online college located in the South (I work out of the guest room in our apartment in CA).  Part of what I do is travel to departments, city offices, and business to talk to people about going back to school, especially departments/businesses that we already have some sort of partnership/relationship (i.e., students already enrolled) with.  I did that Monday through Wednesday of last week.  It was fairly local, but enough of a drive to justify a rental car over miles on my own old gal (aka, 2000 Malibu pushing close to 200,000 miles).  I love meeting our students and talk to guys about enrolling and getting the process started for them.  I do not, however, enjoy driving the CA Freeway systems!  There are some that aren't so bad:  15, 10 (in most areas), 71.  There are those that I know I will get stuck on at some point (or more) on the drive:  91, 5, 210, 10.  Then there is the 215.  I forgot how much I DESPISE the 215.  There really are no words to describe what you go through as the 215 and the 60 (another one I hate) converge then separate again.  And the paving, oh the paving!!!  It is in DESPERATE need of a re-paving.  All of it (the 215 that is)!!  Thankfully nothing exciting happened while I was driving the chaos and all my meetings went well.

After this, I was looking forward to a semi-relaxing day in the "office" on Thursday.  But SCE (Southern California Edison, aka power company) had other plans for me!  At about 10:30 am the power went out.  My first thought was, "it'll be back on in no time."  Oh how wrong I was!  Mr S left for work at 12:15 leaving me home alone without power.  I was, thanks to a great laptop battery, able to still get some work done...but not much.  According the SCE website at 1 pm, power was estimated for restoration by 4 pm.  HA!!  Let's try 5AM on Friday morning!  That's right...our WHOLE SIDE OF THE STREET for about a half mile was dark.  As in pitch-black-not-a-light-in-sight-creepy-horror-movie dark!!  Once you turned off the main drag, you were in a black hole.  Talk about creepy/scary!  And the best part, we had no flashlights!  Just the little tea-light candles left over from the wedding.  Those do not do for lighting a house in the pitch black.  (About 6 pm I learned from the SCE web that they were looking at an 4 AM restoration, so I was slightly prepared)  So I headed out to Target, Home Goods, the Post Office (hadn't checked the box in a while) and Joann's to kill time so I wasn't sitting at home in the dark with nothing to do (battery on the iPad was long gone at this point...and driving around gave me the chance to charge my phone).  Also on these trips I invested in some better candles and a couple OttLites (Joann's and here).  Let me tell ya...if you don't already have an OttLite I highly recommend investing in one!  These little boogers are AMAZING.  The two I got (on sale for half off) look like little cell phones.  When you flip them open there are three rows of three little LED lights that make a Maglite hid it's bulbs in shame!  (There are different styles and sizes to choose from.  Mine are one of the smaller and run on three AAA batteries)  I got home after my shopping trips and got to lighting a fire candles and opening an OttLite and feeling a little more secure in my not-so-dark-anymore surroundings.  And with a newly charged phone I proceeded to watch Netflix for the night.

Friday rolled around, with full power in abode, bright and early as if nothing had happened (which, by the way, the power outage was cause by equipment failure).  Catch up on work missed and I stayed in all night and vegged.  It was quite lovely!  Saturday started lazy and then a cleaning bug struck me about 3 pm.  I organized my work stuff (as in threw out what I wasn't using and was outdated materials anyway), took a trunk full of stuff to Goodwill (that had been clogging my trunk and dining areas), and cleaned the guest room bed off (it's kind of the place I throw stuff to "sort later").  My office/guest room is looking G-O-O-D, good!  Sunday was another lazy day with a side of laundry, kitchen, and bathrooms.  I also tried a recipe from Pinterest (which I didn't take pictures of) that was a hit with the hubs.  I'll be making them again, so I'll try to remember to document everything.  And yesterday was back to the M-F grind of things.

And there you have it, folks.  Last week's events at the S&S house!! 



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