Monday, January 2, 2012


I know I've already posted about what I want to do this year...but I edited that post and decided to make them one of their own. I've really been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year and the few I listed the other day just really weren't enough.

1. Eat better, lose weight, get healthy
2. Focus on School and get at least 5 classes successfully completed off my evaluation
3. Work on getting rid of debt
4. Start saving WHILE getting out of debt ($25 a month is better than nothing a month and that's $300 more at the end of the year than when I started)
5. Get a house cleaning schedule going so I'm not scrambling to clean when we have visitors
6. Be more consistent with church attendance and maybe even get more involved
7. Work on my cooking skills (Mr S is the cook in this house...I do the easy, meal from a bag stuff...or pasta. I can cook pasta!!)
8. Better time management! Now that I'm taking a class I need to make sure I'm doing that instead of planting my butt on the couch in front of the TV after work every day.

That's all the big stuff. There are also little things on the list that I'd like to do: be more thorough on my crafts; finish what I start; hang with friends/family more, etc. I'm also thinking of joining with a Direct Sales (like Scentsy or 31 gifts) company to help supplement the income some. But I haven't fully decided which one, or two, I want to invest in. It's a fairly decent initial investment and I want to pick something that I'll have good returns on. I'm also not sure if it will fit in with my new schedule now that I've added school. It may be something I wait until the spring to do so I can see how I do with school, work, wife duties. So, the jury is still out on that one. But stay tuned, because you'll see it/them here when I do decide.

Most of what I want to accomplish this year. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it will be some changes for me. I am a procrastinator at a lot of this (cleaning, cooking, school work) will take more effort than what you would think, for me at least. Which is why time management is on the list.

Well, here's to a wonderful New Year! I'm looking forward to all this year has in store!


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